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Business Laptops vs. Consumer Laptops

Business Laptops or Consumer Laptops?


Is a business-class laptop worth the investment for your small or mid-sized business? Here are the big differences between business and consumer laptops to help you make that important decision.


Business Laptops vs. Consumer Laptops


It can be a hard decision, at a small or mid sized business, to map out the most effective strategy for equipping the staff with laptops.Business class laptops offer a range of features and benefits that enable the systems to support any type of business or enterprise user. Yet, they often come with price tags of up to twice as much as consumer laptops with the same basic specs.
While there’s no one size fits all solution when it comes to outfitting your company with laptops, identifying the features and technologies that your company needs and absolutely must have is a good starting point.
There’s also a potential workaround: By eliminating features that are more relevant to larger companies, SMBs can find ways to reduce overall costs while still benefiting from higher quality business class laptops. “The bottom line is that the little more you’re going to spend on a business laptop will result in a device that’s better quality,” says Eric Ebner, president and director of research and development for IT consulting firm Protocol 46, based in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Indeed, SMB owners and employees usually seem to know which laptop features they need.
If You need help with making decision please contact Group 4 Networks team member and we will be happy to help you with all your IT Support questions.
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